Wednesday, February 15, 2006


I realized earlier today that my voice was heard on three Salt Lake City stations today. I started off doing traffic on X-96, then I went to KUER to man the board and read PSA's and whatnot, then I ended the day doing traffic on KSOP, the Cowboy. I'm extremely tired, it's been a 6 am to 7 pm day, but thought I would share this thought.

Ah, yes, and to top the day off it snowed like crazy in SLC, creating accidents that closed I-15 NB and a serious pain in the ass for me when I got to Metro this afternoon. I wanted to be a tad lazy and take a rest. The ironic thing is that we live in Utah, people, where it snows every year. This, however, does not mean that the folks here can get behind the wheel and drive without running into each other. They all want to go fast, get where they're going... SLOW DOWN PEOPLE! I get to go home soon, that will be nice.

Signing off.


Jen said...


It´s so great to hear that you´re doing well and that you are being heard all over the SLC valley. I wish I had been there to hear you on X-96. I listen religously.

Love ya.

Mindy said...

carl! write more! i want to know more about whats goining on in your life!
love ya dall~