Friday, July 16, 2010

Sleep Fight Club

I say, "Nap."

She says, "No."

I say, "Sleep."

She says, "Why?"

I say, "You've got to be exhausted."

She says, "You've got to be kidding."

And this is usually the point where I start pulling my hair out, big wads of it that you can see tumbling around the wood floors in my house.

Have you ever been around a sleepy and cranky baby?  Compare it to being forced to spend two hours of every day inside a small jail cell where monkeys are encouraged to throw their feces at you.

It may even be more horrible than that.

Not every day is like that... but most days are.  I have to admit that I am still (for the most part) nursing JG to sleep.  Which means I lie beside her and wait for her to fall asleep, sometimes it takes ten minutes, and sometimes an hour or more.

It just depends on how much patience I have.  There are days where it is limitless and I will wait and wait with her until she finally nods off.  Most days, however, I throw up my hands after ten minutes or so (especially if she's fighting me) and leave the room and let her do whatever it is that she does.

She wins the sleep fight about 50% of the time, the other 50% I hold her down and basically force her to fall sleep.  Fighting sleep is pretty tiring.

For both of us.

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