Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I was being a bad mother earlier and letting JG play with plastic bags she found on the shelves while crawling around.  She had pulled one of the plastic tab things off and I bent over and said "Let mommy have that."

And you want to know what she said?


(I took it from her anyway, the sooner she learns that what she says doesn't matter the better...  in regards to the long list of things I do not want to find in her diaper.)

She continued to play with the plastic bags and started choking/coughing (not on the plastic tab), I asked her if she was okay, and you want to know what she said?


Alex can confirm that.

Holy crap.


She'll be ten months old on Sunday, and in addition to those two words we have heard her say, "Hi", "Dad" (though Alex claims she didn't - even though she looked right at him and said it), and maybe "Mama."  However, she hasn't really looked directly at me and said that, but when she's upset she will repeat it until I scoop her up.

She also tries words.  She'll look at the cats and a sound similar to but not quite like "kitty" comes out of her mouth.  Other maybes include "dog" and "Stella" and maybe "Delihla" (her grandparents dog).

On the unfortunate front she had a bloody diaper on Monday, most likely from something she ate, not something I ate.  In hopes of helping her colon heal I am going back on my strict no milk diet.  No more milky goodness for me.  But that's okay, and I'll explain more in my next post.

Fortunately (or not) the craving part of my brain demanded that I buy donuts on Sunday, so I bought a cake donut and a jelly donut and ate one in the parking lot and the other in my driveway.

In about five minutes.


So.  Good.


renostar said...

I love to read about your food binges... makes me feel so much better about my lack of self control!
Now JG will start to absorb the profanity - THAT you must get video of.

Mindy said...

I want to hear her talk! Why aren't you teaching her "Mindy"?!?!?!?! Thats definately as important as the dogs names! Just say it to her slowly while giving her yummy and healthy food "Min-dy". see? its easy.
soon there won't be a phone conversation with me where I don't get to talk to her too! whoo hoo!!!
Now say it again with me "Min-dy"....
do you think if I asked her to be my flowergirl she would day "yeah" or "dog"?