Monday, November 17, 2008


When I'm not in the "fragile state" of being pregnant I'm pretty good at organizing my thoughts and getting things done.  With Brian, I'm altogether a moron.  I know there are things I should be accomplishing (oh, I don't know, homework, cleaning, finishing that freaking doll) but instead I lay on the couch in my basement and watch TV.  Evil TV.  I know that as soon as I turn that damned thing on I'm stuck, but I still manage to sneak down there on a daily basis and come up with same lame excuse that lets me turn it on.

"Look, I'll only watch Weird Science and then I'll turn it off and start writing my English method papers."

The movie ends (which is more sexist, racist, and awful than I had remembered it... that John Hughes was messed up... also there was a strange mix of homoeroticism, with the young boy characters sitting around without their shirts on, and wearing women's underpants) and then I thought, I can watch the last thirty minutes of this mummy movie on SciFi, this could be interesting.  NO!  IT'S NOT!  

To say the least I never got around to starting my assignments last night.  Even now, as I type this post, I know I am procrastinating.  I would like to think that I'm burned out.  There are only three or so weeks left of school, and I'm kind of done.  But, mainly, it's this laziness that has kindly draped itself over my eyes and made me apathetic.  

Oh, I also took two PRAXIS exams over the weekend.  This is the test that lets you have your teaching endorsement in a certain area, like English and Biology.  I didn't study.  I spent 10 of the last 14 weeks being incapable of thinking or eating (due to Brian), and never took the time to study.

Bleh.  Are you sick of listening to me yet?  I am...  Okay, I've go to read about how to help teens read and write, then write two 2-page papers on it.  I don't want to go to class today.  But that's my fault, not Brian's (though I will continue to point the finger at him... it's easier that way.)

1 comment:

Jen said...

LOL! I love Weird Science!