Monday, October 19, 2009

New Moon invitation?

This may sound strange, seeing as how I never got through the Twilight book (mainly because I can't stand listening to a teenage girl whine, and it is NOT romantic for a boy to sneak in your room and watch you sleep -- that's called stalking and is EXTREMELY creepy) but I want to go see New Moon.

Mainly because I had a good time at Twilight.  And, yes, I did burst out in laughter multiple times, but luckily the girls (women, really) I was with weren't bothered by it.  If anything, they shared the moment when the vampire "dad" (can't remember his name...) walked out and looked like a talcum powder covered corpse who wasn't old enough to buy alcohol let alone practice medicine.

So, this is an open invite to those interested in going to see New Moon with me this **weekend (or whatever works).  I can't promise not to giggle or make fun of the movie afterwards.  But if you can find it in your heart to help a mother out, one in desperate need of spending time with adults, then I will be truly grateful.

Thank you.

Sincerely yours,

**EDIT: As Jessica so correctly pointed out, this movie doesn't actually come out until Nov. 20.  My offer still stands, even if it is a month away.
(If you are interested leave a comment or email me if you have the address.  And if it helps to persuade you, I'll sneak some candy into the movie.)


Jessica said...

I don't think it actually comes out until November 20 (I only know that because I spend all day with teenagers), but when it does, I'll go with you. I had a good time at the last one too. It's much more fun when you're with other people who aren't swooning and can see the hilarity of the whole situation.

If you want to get out of the house before then, I'd love to go do something else with you. My social life has gone down the tubes since school started, so I could use some adult interaction myself.

Joan said...

Of course, Sallee and I will go with you. I had the exact reaction to the dad's appearance (can't remember his name either). Sallee tried re-reading the book in anticipation of the movie, but had to give it up. She didn't remember how whiny Bella was...I only liked Bella in the last novel when she got some guts about her. However, I loved the series....We're there and I'll bring candy too.

Ostler & Co. said...

michelle and i used to listen the the twilight soundtrack like everyday! it drove stacey crazy . . i am totally down to going to see the movie!

AprilF said...

I despise twilight! For the same reasons you mentioned - and the terrible writing. I'm not going to watch it in the theatre - but if you do another mocking of it after it comes to DVD I'm there!

AprilF said...

And regarding the dad- it was even MORE awesome that his face didn't match his neck. Or the five o'clock shadow on the vampire 17 year old. Niiiiicccceeeeee.