Sunday, January 11, 2009

I am Sick

Booger. I don't get sick very often (other than the three months spent with that AWESOME morning sickness). So, when I do I kind of turn into this whiney mess of a person who can't quite comprehend what's going on.

How did I get sick? What is this aching feeling in my legs? Why on EARTH do my ears feel like bees live in there, and my throat like cavern of burning spikes? Damnit.

I can only attribute this to how long and exhausting my first week of student teaching was. I came home Monday night and took a two hour nap. A nap that, unfortunately, did not satiate my need for sleep. I didn't really sleep through the whole night until Thursday, so I was sort of discombobulated and confused any time I was not in the Jr. High. Somehow, my brain managed to keep my senses in fantastic shape whilst working, then I would come home and go utterly brainless.

Friday night Alex and I watched Princess Mononoke. What a great movie. Then I think we were both in bed and asleep before ten. Remember the days of staying up until 2 AM because, why not? What else is on TV? Now I'm so tired I fall asleep on the couch before nine o'clock rolls around.

So, I'm sure due to my exhausting week, I'm sick with what could turn into laryngitis. Which is what happens to my voice when I get this kind of sick. It's not really conducive to teaching, but I'm only observing this next week. I did teach four or so classes last week... and they do have a microphone ...

Booger. I hate being sick. Any other student teachers finding yourselves in the same predicament?


Jessica said...

My stomach's been acting up all week. So far I've managed not to have to run out of the room into the bathroom in the middle of class, but who knows how long that's going to last. We'll see how I do next week. I'm supposed to be taking over everything on Wednesday.

renostar said...

Look at you with your microphone! Sorry you are sick, pregnant, and teaching. How is that going, by the way? I miss you guys. The cohort behind ours is lame (I hope none of them read this). I hope you get feeling better soon. Give Brian a little jab for me.