Wednesday, January 06, 2010

New Years Funk

Without meaning to I fell into a bit of a funk.  I was on a forced creative high before Christmas, trying to get things done, but it only takes one failure (stupid doll dress) for me to throw my hands up in the air and say to hell with it.

For my sanity's sake, making things keeps me emotionally healthy and happy.  So, now that I'm not making anything, or haven't figured out what to do with myself while JG is napping, I'm watching far too much TV.

I'm losing my patience with it.

I am also losing my patience with reading.  It used to be that I could finish a book that I wasn't too crazy about, in hopes that it would improve at some point.  I wouldn't want to miss its redeeming qualities.  Now, if I read 30-70 pages and I'm just not into it, or say a kitten dies for no particular reason, I give up on finishing it.  You could say I'm either too tender hearted or entirely too slow of a reader.

I want every book to be the Hunger Games, fast paced, hard to put down, with characters I like.  So many books keep trying to make me swallow these exaggerated and irritating versions of human beings that I can't go along with the farce.

However, I should mention, that I don't even know if I would be able to read my favorite authors right now.  I'm not sure if I should blame it on the funk or if it's just how I am now that I have a baby.  Who knows.

So, today JG and I will venture out of the house (which we haven't been doing much of) and go look at fabric or something.  Fabric has so many redeeming qualities.

The sad thing is I have a stash of fabric I've been hoarding... and I cannot bring myself to actually use it.  It's a terrible compulsion.  I even have a bunch of it laying out in my craft room, I just love looking at it, but just thinking about using any of it brings on a slight anxiety attack.

Which is pathetic.  This is also the reason I try not to allow myself go look at fabric.  For example, I have several prints that I own multiple yards of (2-6 yards), and I can't think of why I spent the money on all of it if I can't bring myself to actually use it.


Okay, I better find a reason to pull out of this mess.

I use far too many commas.  Lucky for me if you didn't notice.


Mindy said...

sewing stashes and knitting stashes are nessasary. seriously. i often go back through and find a treasure trove of goodies i totally forgot that i had and am instantly inspired because suddenly i fee like i have free new fabric and I can just do what i want with it and not care if i mess up with it which is how i feel when i just bought somethign and the possibliities are endless and anything i might do would only ruin it.
stashes are good. don't hate the stash.

Joan said...

I agree with Mindy although I don't have any fabric stashes--never have had even a little urge for that. However, I have stashes of other things...water color paper, books, bead and jewelry supplies...and it's a way of ensuring the ability to create or do something when the fancy hits you. Here's a second opinion saying "Don't hate the stashes." I need to take you to Jack and Karren's house to see her fabric room. It's like a fabric store. We'll go in the next little while.