Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Returning to say Hello

We had a nice weekend until our basement drainage pipe decided to call it quits.  Again.  This happens about once a year, when our feces come up to tell us where they've been.

"Hey!  You know how you flushed me three days ago!  Well, just thought you should know I've been hanging out in that pipe... until now... Hello!"

And this is the part when I gag and hate my drainage pipe with a burning rage.  Luckily we caught it before the puddle got too large, however once the drain says, "No more traffic allowed," we can't use the water.

Because if you do, the puddle just gets bigger.  The puddle filled with poo and Jesus knows what else.

(Hold on, gagging, holding vomit back)

So I called the Roto-Rooter guy out to run a snake down.  Again.

You should have seen the ball of roots he pulled out.

Imagine that a guinea pig took up residence in our drainage pipe and set up house, and got fat off of... I'll let you answer that.

But he pulled that guinea pig out (it was more sliced out, with this weird rotating blade) and now our pipe is clear.  Unfortunately, that damned guinea pig (giant balls of roots) will grow back and start this whole disgusting process over again.

However, if we want it to remain clear it would cost almost $7000 to rid our house of the problem.  Also, the solution would probably kill the shrubbery out front, and possibly break our awesome AC unit, because a bunch of plumbers would have to come and dig holes to access said evil pipe and burst it.

When the Roto guy pitched this to me he made it sound as if this decision would be made soon and we would have him right back to fix the problem.

Um, huh?  I was standing in my hallway, in my cow pajama's and worn old slippers holding JG.  What about me said I'm made out of money?

So, now I've got to devise a plan to douse my concrete floor with bleach to kill any poo particles still hanging on for dear life.  Sorry, poo, but I flushed you for a reason.

Now stay there.

1 comment:

Mindy said...

am I the only one who laughed at the clip of the "pipe solution"? I don't kow why but that video is hilarious to me. I think I've been staring at excel to long at work...